Teacher Training Nepal
Join Nepal's top Yoga school to enhance your yoga practice and receive a professional Yoga Alliance certification that is recognized globally! With over 20 years of experience, this is Nepal's only academy that provides authentic, scientific yoga education. You can improve your spirituality and refresh yourself at any level. It's the best place to experience yoga's spiritual and scientific power, with a collaborative atmosphere and a large number of skilled, experienced yoga teachers.
Independent reviews confirm that our efforts to deliver the best yoga teacher trainings pay off. Today, we are well-known for providing the highest quality YTT and preparing our students for yogic life_style to understand what real-life situations is.
20 Days 200 Hour Best Yoga Teacher Training Course in Nepal
Cost with Accommodation
Dormitory room with 6 beds: 1300 USD
Twin bed sharing room: 1500 USD
Private single room: 2000 USD
Availability Dates:
Starting date: 1th of every month
Ending date: 20th of the month
Note: In order to avoid rush and allow you to relax before the course, we ask that everyone arrive one day early. The course begins at 7 a.m. on the first of every month. One day before the beginning of the course, the accommodations are free.
This 200-hour yoga teacher training program lasts three weeks and is registered with the International Yoga Alliance. The 200-hour yoga teacher program is meant for those who are new to the practice or desire to become a yoga instructor. In this 200-hour yoga teacher training, we will cover fundamental and safe yoga practice for beginners to advanced based on body level. Learn the secrets of ancient yoga philosophy in depth, practice meditation technique on the finer aspects of meditation and its philosophy, practice pranayama, and learn to teach pranayama safely.
Our teachers come from the traditional yoga background. Classes are conducted by experts from Nepal, India and partly by an international guest teacher. This ensures that the knowledge delivered to you is wide-ranging from theoretical to practical applications, and you understand the correlation of yogic science and the human body. Our aim is to provide authenticity, traditions as well as modern, scientific approach to yoga. Suitable for beginners to advanced, we follow the teaching method of ancient yoga school.
In the theoretical part, you will build a solid base in the yoga field, you will chant mantras every day, you will learn how to teach different types of yoga and how to create your own yoga sequences. You will leave our yoga teacher training fully confident and ready to start your own yoga teaching!
For our course in ancient history of yoga, Mandala yoga school will provide you an experience of a full healthy yogic life with the practice of spiritual sadhana in a safe, peaceful environment of Chandragiri hill.
Upon successful completion of the course, the trainees will receive a professional certificate of International Yoga Teacher recognized by USA Yoga Alliance which is valid all around the world. Trainees will be able to start teaching yoga after completion of the course. We prepare our students from the beginning to be ready to start teaching all level of yoga sequences as a professional yoga teacher.
200hr Course Syllabus Curriculum:
The course topics that we discuss during 200-hour session are listed below. Each topic and subject have a clear description of what it covers and how it is taught. Any misunderstanding? any inquiries? Get in touch with us, and we'll provide you with all the information you need about this course
Learn Different style of Yoga:
During the 200 hours of this yoga teacher training course, we will teach four different types of yoga that are founded on the principles of hatha yoga. We teach classic hatha yoga, an intense but pleasurable vinyasa flow, restorative yoga for both mental and physical exhaustion, and starting yoga for beginners. Before becoming a qualified instructor and teaching others, you will be practicing yoga on your own under the guidance of a teacher to gain a deeper understanding and experience the practice's discipline. The four types of yoga that we teach are listed below:
Beginner yoga
Hatha yoga
Vinyasa yoga
Beginner yoga:
We offer introductory yoga to both new and experienced practitioners. Beginning with basic poses, basic yoga moves on to more energetic poses like the sun salutation. All of the active and passive exercises are basic yoga, including the sun salutation. You will learn here the importance of basic yoga as an exercise. Yoga is taught to you based on your weight, age, and physical condition. You will be learning how to teach yoga to beginners at the same time.
Hatha Yoga:
Hatha yoga is the foundation of yoga and is suitable for all skill levels and body types. Hatha yoga is also known as the physical practice of yoga. "The slow pace and simple breathing exercises make it an excellent place to learn basic, intermediate, advance poses and become comfortable on the mat.
" Hatha yoga is more likely to be used, Chanting, meditation, breathing, and mild to rigorous yoga practice were all part of spiritual yoga. Our students will first practice hatha yoga, and then they will learn how to teach hatha yoga for different body type.
Hatha yoga is essential in the 200-hour program since it is the foundation of yoga. It is impossible to grasp other styles of yoga without first understanding the roots of hatha, because many styles of yoga evolved from hatha yoga. Our learner will have a thorough understanding of hatha asana sequence practice and its secret ancient philosophy.
Vinyasa Yoga:
Yoga vinyasa originated with ashtanga vinyasa, which we teach in 300 and 500-hour YTT. It's important to prepare your body for hard advanced ashtanga poses by practicing vinyasa yoga, commonly referred to as flow yoga. Vinyasa yoga is a body-dancing style that emphasizes power postures, proper breathing, as well as some stretching and relaxation. Due to the continuous flow sequence, vinyasa flow promotes flexibility without any strain, increases stamina and helps to burn excess body fat. Vinyasa yoga is best suited to loosen up the weight and for people with high levels of vigor. Learn from our school how to create a vinyasa sequence quickly since once you comprehend hatha, it is extremely simple to do Vinyasa flow.
Yoga Philosophy :
In yoga philosophy, you will study the secrets of ancient yoga from our expert in depth. Yoga philosophy is an interesting topic for fully understanding the term yoga. Our instructor will discuss traditional yoga philosophy as well as current scientific research in yoga, as well as the practice and knowledge of spirituality. Here at our school, we make sure you thoroughly understand the yoga philosophy and educate you how to teach or explain others like a professional teacher. Yoga philosophy is like an ocean, and we've chosen the most intriguing and useful topic. In yoga philosophy, you will study all the below topics:
What is yoga The main object of yoga
Definition of yoga
History of yoga
Defination of hatha yoga
Yoga sutra
Eight limbs of yoga
Nadi(Ida, Pingala, Susumna)
Seven Main Chakras :
Chakra are Sanskrit words that imply "wheels." It is thought that our bodies contain several chakras, which are essential to the functioning of our existence. A yogi may gather energy from numerous levels of vibrations, including color, that are used in various sections of the body. Our bodies have large energy centers that are linked to key organs or glands that regulate other bodily components. Each of these major energy centers is known as a chakra. Here you will discover about the seven major chakras, as well as its details such as chakra Mantra, chakra Petals, chakra Element, chakra Color Association, chakra Location, chakra for Balance, Chakra Stimulants, The Chakras of Matter, The Chakras of Spirit, and The Connection Between Matter and Spirit as well chakra Imbalances for various diseases.
Mudras :
Mudra are sometimes referred to as hand postures. Each component of the hand triggers a reflex reaction in a different section of the brain. Mudra is a kind of self-expression that involves the use of hands, the head (eyes, ears, tongue, lips, etc.), posture, lock, and perineal mudras. Thousands of mudras are utilized in tantric rituals. In ancient times, mudra was performed for classis dance, yoga mudra, and many more. Here with us, you will learn about hand mudra and five components mudra, importance of mudra and its science. You will learn how to apply mudra during meditation, pranayama, bandha, asana, and other practices.
Bandha :
The Sanskrit word bandha means to hold, constrict, tighten, or lock, and it precisely defines the physical motion required to accomplish these activities. A bandha is a yoga lock or bind that is used to guide and regulate the flow of prana (life force energy) to certain portions of the body. There are three primary bandhas in the body, as well as a fourth that connects them all: 1. jalandhara bandha, 2. uddiyana bandha, 3. moola bandha, and 4. maha bandha (maha bandha is the advanced practice and we do it in 300hr course). They cleanse, eliminate impurities, harmonize and balance the self. Bandhas momentarily stop the flow of blood, thus when they are removed, there is an increase in the flow of new blood. You will be learning 3 bandhas in details.
Mantra, sometimes referred to as devotion, is not a religion in the same way as water, air, fire, sun, and earth are not religious. Prayers and yoga are not religious. Since yoga and bhakti are closely related, we chant to benefit ourselves, others, and the environment. We chant every morning to begin the day in serenity, positive thinking, and with a heart full of love. With a detailed translation of the mantra, our teacher also teaches how to chant in Sanskrit. The Sanskrit term mantra literally translates to "(to set free from the mind)" or "to control the mind." Mantras are sound-based physical vibrations that have stimulating impacts on both our physical and subtle bodies. Here, you'll discover different mantra (chanting) and how to perform them more effectively.
Meditation & It's Practice :
Meditation is a self-practice that is done with a teacher's instruction. Here, you will discover the philosophy of meditation, as well as how to teach it to others for a variety of ailments, issues, or stress management. The greatest journey a person can do is meditation. It is an expedition into the unknown. Meditation therefore does not exclude action. You don't have to run away from life. It only imparts a new way of living to you. The body and mind must be cleansed by the practice of yoga, including sat-karma, bandha, asana, mudra, chakra, pranayama, and many more, in order to meditate. Deeper relaxation is the result. Meditation brings down blood pressure and heart rate. It slows down breathing reawaken your spirituality helps in awakening and bodily healing.
The Science of Ancient Cleansing :
Sat karma kriyas: The six cleaning acts, or sat karma kriyas, are an essential part of yoga. Additionally, it is claimed that being a yogi requires achieving success in sat karma. After the success of the fundamental practice, we offer an advance practice in the 300- and 500-hour courses. The 200-hour course teaches the basic yogic cleaning process.
Since the words "sat" and "karma" both imply "action," the phrase "sat karma" refers to six actions that are part of the cleaning process used to purify the body. This process not only involves physical purification but also inner purification. Yoga involves both physical practice and internal purification. This ancient yogic practice balances the kappa, pitta, vatta, and other energies. Always study and practice these methods under the guidance of a qualified instructor.
The Science of Breathing- Pranayama
The most important aspect of yoga is pranayama because without breath, the body cannot survive. Understanding and managing the pranic process in the body are achieved through the practice of pranayama. Pranayama is typically understood to be the regulated inhaling, exhalation, and retention practice. Pranayama raises consciousness by suppressing or regulating mental distractions. Clears the mind and makes space for consciousness to flow freely. If done properly, eradicate all illnesses. Eliminate all obstructions that might prevent the prana from circulating properly. By clearing obstructions from the pranayama kosha and allowing for enhanced prana absorption and retention, pranayama- breathing exercises help to create a healthy body. Here you will experience different style of pranayama practice and you will be learning how to teach pranayama safely.
Importance of Yogic Balance Diets
Everything we consume is spiritual food. Food, according to yogis, is the source of prana (life energy), which supports our body and gives us vitality and health. As a result, the foods we select to eat represent our level of conscious growth. Yoga advocates a clean (ethical) vegetarian diet, which promotes the development of sattva. As a result, you will learn about sattvic food, ayurvedic food, yogic food, the effects of bad eating habits, and the advantages of healthy eating habits. Foods to Eat When Following a Yogic Diet, Foods to Avoid or Reduce When Following a Yogic Diet, ideal diet for yogic sadhana, Nutrients and their purpose in the body. Here with us you will not only learn you will be living yogic life-style by having a yogic food, fasting and doing silent meditation once a week.
The Therapeutic Yoga
These days, people use yoga not only for physical exercise, but also for health, proper breathing and meditation for mindfulness, and we will discuss the value of yoga therapy here. Many common ailments, such as back pain, joint discomfort, and office syndrome, can be controlled via proper yoga practice. According to the Hatha Pradipika, Yoga is not historically intended for treatment. Essentially, treatment is intended for sadhakas who do asanas and pranayama carelessly and obstinately, and who have bad nutrition and an imbalanced lifestyle. Yoga practice is better for prevention than treatment. Yoga is for improving health and illness prevention, but it cannot treat completely some major diseases which are too late. But definitely yoga therapy can help before getting worst from the disease. There is no doubt Yoga can heal physically, mentally and spiritually fully. Learn every common disease Cause, Symptom and Yogic treatment.
Yoga Anatomy & Physiology
Human anatomy and physiology are a vast subject, as is the art of yoga. Nevertheless, combining knowledge from both fields is extremely beneficial for the yoga practitioner. The Study of the Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga can improve incorrect practice or unsafe technique and a basic understanding of their physical body. A practitioner who learns yoga without an understanding of anatomy and physiology cannot understanding their own body and can cause injury. It is not necessary to memorize hundreds of muscles and bones to experience the benefits of applying anatomy of yoga. What is necessary is the functional understanding of a manageable number of key anatomic structures in their settings as they relate to yoga. Knowledge of these structures can be applied immediately to optimize your practice, break through blockages and avoid injury, medical problems or new problems.
Practical Asana of Hatha, Vinyasa & Beginner Yoga
For those who are serious about becoming a yoga teacher, teaching methods is a highly intriguing element of the training process. You will gain complete knowledge on how to instruct various body types under various conditions, such as stress, injury, menstruation, pregnancy, anxiety, etc. You will study about Body Adjustment, Yoga Fundamentals, and Body Ailments during the teaching approach discover how to design your own yoga routine, know every important aspect of posture, learn to instruct yoga to students of all levels. Learn how to safely lead yoga for the injured body and how to teach yoga to students at beginner, intermediate, and advanced in the same group.
Learn the perfect Yoga alignment and its important
Know the Body Alignments & its adjustment
Learn the secret formula of yogic Breath during the asana practice.
Learn the Importance of props:
Know the Importance of counter pose
Learn the secret of hatha yoga posture sequence
Learn Asana definition
Know the best Asana for meditation
Know the secret Asana in number
Learn Benefits of asana
Know the precaution of asana
Learn the key-point of different types of postures
Counter Pose
Posture Chakras
Posture Gazing
Posture Alignments
Posture Variation
Posture Adjustment
Final posture
Group of Asana (Standing, Sitting & Lying)
Backward bending
Forward bending
Spinal Twisting
Inverted asana
Balancing pose
Stretching posture
Power posture
Relaxation posture
Principals of asana
No straining:
Warm-up (micro exercise) –
The warm-up exercise is the preparatory activity before class. Every practitioner should warm up before performing yoga postures. It is also important for every instructor to teach exercise before yoga class so that there is no injury, stress, or soreness after the yoga practice. According to yogic texts, workout routines are essential before practicing posture. Without exercise, the muscles lose their value, the bones weaken, the function to absorb oxygen weakens, physical stress may arise, there is no strength and stamina in the body, and there is a more risk of physical harm. Warm-up exercises work to loosen up tight muscles, boost heart rate, and promote appropriate blood flow. Start your practice from exercise.
The main features or components of Sukshma Vyayam Exercise, and its importance’s:
(1) Breathing
(2) Concentration point
(3) Actual exercise
The joint movements are classified as:
Leg joints movements
Hand Joints Movements
Neck and Head movements
Supine twisting movement
Eyes exercise
Surya Namaskar -Sun Salutation
In our classes we instruct students, in two practiced sun salutations; hatha yoga sun salutation and ashtanga vinyasa sun salutation in vinyasa class. These sequences serve as up exercises, for demanding yoga practices. Sun salutation is a practice routine that is done 4, 12, and 24 times gradually. Before doing other posture, sun salutation should be performed —Sun Salutation also known as Surya namaskar in Sanskrit. It helps stretch, massage, and tone all of the body's internal organs, as well as freeing up joints, muscles, and weight. Surya namaskar involves asana, pranayama, mantra, and meditation practices, making it a comprehensive sadhana (spiritual practice). Sun salutation is the gateway to higher levels of practice; it increases flexibility, core strength, arm power, and flexibility, therefore you'll be doing it every day here with us to prepare your body for higher practice.
Yoga Teaching Methodology
Teaching is the special part of educational process, which is very essential for students to start teaching careers. For teaching methodology every Yoga teacher must know the teaching techniques according to body limits and the art of teaching and presentation. The teachers should be well familiar with the important principles, yogic discipline, with good teaching methods.
In ancient time there was no fixed time and no exam and certificates. Being with the teachers for most of the time was the best way of learning. We are the only one in Nepal who teaches how to teach multi-style of yoga in details for different age group, different body types, different yoga for injury medical problems, yoga during physical and mental stress and many more.
Learn how to Welcoming your students with positive vibes
Know why Play relaxing, soothing meditation music or a mantra in the background.
Before teaching Know the student’s, body types and teach according to their body level
Learn Touch of hand during adjustment
Know why you should not do yoga posture together with your students
Before teaching how to Introduce about you and what you going to teach
Ask them if they are new to yoga or have any medical problem
Know the Characteristics of a good yoga teacher
Learn How to do Lesson planning before teaching
Principles of demonstration & observation
Importance of classroom safety
Assisting, modifications, correcting, instructing
Eye contact while teaching class
Why Talk slowly and smoothly while teaching yoga class?
Our teacher will guide to finding your own unique teaching style
Daily yoga schedule
7:00-9:00 am- different types of yoga, pranayama and meditation practice.
9:15-9:30 am- Breakfast
10:00-11:00 am- Free time, rest or walk around the forest hills
11:00-1:00 pm- different style of yoga teaching methods.
1:15-1:30 pm- Lunch
2:00 - 3:30 pm- Self-study and self-practice for better understanding
4:00 - 5:30 pm- Yoga philosophy, yoga therapy and yoga anatomy
6:45-6:60 pm- Dinner
Please note: The timetable is subject to change according to weather and other factors. The 200-hour training ended on the 20th at 12 p.m. Your leaving date is 20th of the course, at 12 noon.
What's included
Singing bowl therapy sessions.
Airport pickup.
Constant Wi-Fi.
Daily yoga & meditation class.
One overnight before the start of the course.
Warm and cool air conditioning room.
Comfortable bed room with a hot and cold shower.
Sightseeing in Nepal's most historical sites.
Hiking for hiking lovers in the top of Chandragiri hill.
All yoga materials and a manual yoga book.
Accommodations for 19 nights with an attached bathroom.
Three delicious vegetarian meals a day.
International Yoga Alliance certification upon course completion.
What's not included
Personal expenses
Laundry services
Hiking guide fee
Personal dietary and extra food
Meals during outdoor trip
Your medicine or hospital fees incase
Temples and historical places entrance fees during outdoor trip
Extra activities which are not given in included
Click here for accommodation and food details- https://www.mandalayogaretreat.com/accomodation
28 Days 300 hour Hatha, Yin, Vinyasa & Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal
Do you want to have new a passion in life that could give you the satisfaction you seek for? Worry not, we are here for your help. The 30 days 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training Nepal (YTT) is an authentic, dynamic, scientific and intense Yoga Teacher Training is a Nepalese program that will prepare you with the skills that exceed your imaginative limits for a stunning career in yoga teaching. You’ll not only gain knowledge but alongside you’ll be able to have the personal experience of the true potential of yoga.
We will be taking you to a journey of both spiritual and scientific approaches to yoga where you’ll be able to understand your life’s new impetuous passion. Our 300-hours Yoga Teacher Training is a wide-ranged course which will be involving both practical and theoretical applications to creating a better understanding of all the aspects of yoga. It’s even much convenient for the beginners to advance with. Nourish your soul, sooth your senses, and stretch your body.
Cost with Accommodation:
Shared Dorm room : USD 1800
Twin sharing bedroom : USD 2100
Private room : USD 2600
Availability Dates: Throughout the year, classes begin on the 1st of each month
This 300-Hr yoga teacher training course is designed for everyone who would like to gain a deep and thorough knowledge of yoga history, philosophy, meditation techniques, along with fundamental class and teaching methodology, followed by practical teaching, workshop learning and practicing different yoga poses, as well as deepen your understanding of anatomy and physiology, and yoga therapy (necessary to facilitate healthy practice). This 300-hour course is for you to become qualified professional yoga teacher and gain higher level knowledge of yoga. If you already have a Yoga Alliance certificate of 200-hour yoga teacher training from any school, upon completion, you will receive a 300-hour yoga teacher training with Yoga Alliance.
This intensive course is intended for everyone, to gain higher knowledge of ancient yoga and to experience a yogic life-style. If you want to gain and expand a deep knowledge of yoga foundations, followed by personal growth and understanding, this advanced 300-hour yoga teacher training is just for you.
Carefully selected teachers
The organisation believes in teamwork rather than just giving a course by a teacher. Their goal is to develop mutual understanding and bond between people who come to them for yoga. They have a highly qualified, more then 18 years teaching experience professional expert yoga teacher from traditional yoga background who undergone two years to receive a Master in yoga and is PhD holder with their own practices and international award winning. So join Mandala Yoga Retreat for best and best classes with best and best teachers.
They will teach you from the beginning the foundation of yoga, asana alignments, use of proper props, postures for different body and different levels, Key points of yogasana, how to be a qualified yoga teacher, how to teach different-style of yoga, how to create your own yoga sequences, how to live a happy and healthy yogic life. You will leave the yoga teacher training fully confident and ready to start your yoga teaching.
Upon successful completion of the course, the trainees will receive a professional certificate of International Yoga Teacher recognised by Yoga Alliance which is valid all around the world. Trainees will be able to start teaching yoga immediately after completion of the course. They prepare their students to be ready to start teaching beginner to advance yoga sequences as a professional yoga teacher. Registration with Yoga Alliance provides a globally recognised credential. So they can work as a professional yoga teacher all over the world with this yoga alliance certificates.
In this course, you will have the opportunity to assist yoga classes after the course for self-confidence as well as the opportunity to teach a class for those who finished the practical and theoretical course. All graduates will be certified by USA Yoga Alliance diploma, enjoying various lifetime benefits and becoming professional yoga teachers.
The curriculum – The Yoga Alliance has set a widely-accepted international standard for yoga teacher training (YTT) programs, across basic areas such as techniques, teaching methodology, asana alignments and anatomy, philosophy (including lifestyle and ethics), therapy, and teaching practicum. Below is how we implement these teaching areas into the training.
Yoga style
Hatha yoga
Vinyasa yoga
Yin yoga
Ashtanga yoga
Basic Prenatal & postnatal Yoga
Yoga for children
Yoga for Height increase
Theory of Traditional Yoga Systems
Yoga Introduction
History of original yoga and Lineage
History of Hatha Yoga and Lineage
Functions of 7 chakras (Energy Centers)
Pranayama Science Techniques and 5 Prana
Ashtanga Yoga by Maharshi Patanjali
Introduction to Vedas,
Bhagavad Gita & the Hatha yoga tradition
Yoga sutra
Yoga Hand Mudras
Practice of Traditional Hatha Yoga Asanas
Yoga for Beginners: Basic preparatory joint movements to warm up & prevent injuries
Yoga class sequence for Therapy.
Sanskrit names of all Asana’s
Surya Namaskar and Chandra Namaskar (sun & moon salutations)
Yin Yoga poses and Flow Yoga sequence.
Basic, Intermediate hatha yoga asana sequence.
Advanced practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.
Pranayama – ‘Control of the Prana Science’
Nadi shodana Pranayama (alternate nostril breathing)
Anulom Vilom Pranayama
Kapalbhati Pranayama (cleansing breaths)
Bhramari Pranayama (humming bee breath)
Ujjayi Svasa (victorious breath)
Yogic (Conscious) breathing techniques
Discussion on bad breathing habits and correction techniques
Tri Bandhas (Yogic Locks)
Moola Bandha
Uddiyana Bandha
Jalandhara Bandha (throat lock)
Maha Bandha (the great lock)
3 Granthis
Mantras chanting: Building awareness with Divine vibrations.
Om Mantra
Gayatri Mantra
Guru Mantra
Asatoma(peace) Mantra
Surya Namaskar Mantra
Meditation Techniques
Antar mouna Meditation
Ajapa japa meditation
Nada yoga meditation
Kundalini & Chakara Meditation
Yoga Nidra
Dynamic Meditation
Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy of pelvic bone and Muscles the foundation of the body on Yogasana (Hip Bone and Yoga)
Anatomy of shoulder bone/muscles and Yogasana
Psychic Physiology of yoga: Ida, pingala, sushumna (Nadi)
Pancha Kosha (Vital Sheaths)
Annamaya kosha
Pranamaya kosha
Manomaya kosha
Vijnanamaya kosha
Anandamaya kosha
The science of Ayurveda
Ayurveda introduction and its importance
Ayurveda classified life according to Tri-dosha
The three Gunas(Ayurveda dietry guidelines)
Ayurveda herbs and medicine
Basic Panchakarma
Alternative Yoga Therapy
Marma/ (acupressure) therapy
Ayurveda therapy
Music therapy(sound healing)
Basic naturopathy therapy & Nature cure herbal
Yoga Teaching Principles
Characteristics of a good teacher
Lesson planning (30 min, 45 min, 90 min)
Principles of demonstration & observation
Classroom safety
Assisting, modifications, correcting, instructing
Finding your own teaching style
Ethical guidelines for yoga teachers
Student teaching practicing & observing
Assisting in classes taught by others
Basic healthy yogic lifestyle
The Use of Sanskrit vocabulary is included in the yoga teacher training course.
Sample schedule
07:00 – 09am- Asana, pranayama and meditation practice
09:15 – 09:30am- Light breakfast
10:45 – 12:15pm- Yoga philosophy, mantra, meditation, yoga therapy, yoga anatomy
12:30-12:45pm- Lunch
14:00 – 15:30pm- Self-study and self practice
16:00 – 18:00pm- Yoga teaching methodology & techniques
18:00-18:45pm- Ashtanga vinyasa practice.
18:45-7:00pm- Dinner
This schedule is subject to be change.
What’s included
24-hour Wi-Fi
Singing bowl therapy
27 nights accommodation with attach bathroom with hot and cold shower
Airport pick up
All the yoga props, mat, belt, blocks are available
One yoga Notebook
Hiking & Sightseeing
Jalnati pot
Certificate through USA yoga alliance
3 meals a day
Daily yoga practice
What’s not included
Drop off
Personal expenses
Laundry services
Hiking Guide Fee
Bus or car cost during outdoor trip
Entrance cost in Bhaktapur, Pashupatinath, Swayambhu, and Chandragiri hills
Extra activities which are not given in included
30 days 500 hour Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training in Himalayan Nepal
Course Cost with Accommodation
Dormitory room :1900 USD
Twin bed sharing room :2200 USD
Private single room :2700 USD
Availability Dates:
Starting date : 1th of every month
Ending date : 30th of the month
The 500 hours Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal brings your practice to the next level and to become a professional yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance license, internationally well recognized! You can deepen your spirituality and energize yourself on all levels of yoga practice with us. Mandala Yoga retreat is the perfect destination to experience the power of authentic yoga with more than 18-year experience expert teachers with a mix of teamwork. Come Learn yoga during unique classes and training with the Qualified teacher, they will give you the wisdom and knowledge of thousands of years traditions!
Let us take you to the spiritual adventure! The yoga center we are talking about is a sacred spiritual home where even the lost ones can rest their frustrations through yoga! Home of great yogis who will be accompanying you in the spiritual journey that you’ve never seen before. It’s a place where you’ll experience new spiritual energy within you. It is one of the best countries to get involved in yoga training during your holidays. Nourish your soul, sooth your senses, and stretch your body and gain a new vision to see things differently. We will be teaching you with 500-hour YTT according to the standards of Yoga Alliance. The location where the course is going to takes place is at the Chandragiri Hills in Kathmandu, where you’ll get the opportunities to be able to learn yoga and meditation in the midst of forest and hills nearby retreat.
Don’t spend your precious time too much on searching if you are thinking about 500-hour yoga teacher training in Nepal – think Mandala Yoga Retreat. We guarantee you that you will not be disappointed with us, to make sure read all the reviews from the trip-advisor.
The 500 hours Yoga teacher training curriculum are the Yoga Alliance and a mandala yoga retreat has set a widely-accepted international standard for yoga teacher training to across basic areas such as yoga theory and history, yoga methods, yoga teaching techniques, asana practice with alignments, yoga therapy, yoga anatomy, philosophy including yogic lifestyle and ethics. Below is how you implement these teaching areas into the training.
The Curriculum
Yoga for children (kids yoga)
Basic Prenatal & Postnatal yoga
Yin yoga
Hatha yoga
Ashtanga yoga
Vinyasa flow
Yoga for old age seniors
Yoga for weight loss
Basic Ayurveda and its lifestyle Knowledge
Theoretical Yoga
History of Yoga
• About veda and tantra
• Lord shiva & parvati
• Story of Yoga history
• According to Ancient history the branch of yoga:
• Raja yoga-
• Jnana yoga-
• Karma yoga-
• Bhakti yoga-
• Kriya yoga-
• Kundalini yoga-
• Patanjali yoga-
• Hatha yoga-
• Mantra yoga-
• Dhyana yoga-
Yoga introduction
• Yoga defination
• Maha Yoga(the higher practice of yoga)
• The main purpose of Yoga
• Yoga is one but it explain in various way from legend yogis
• Yoga According to Maharshi Patanjali
• Yoga According to Swami Satyananda Saraswati-
• Yoga According to Indian Philosophy
• According to Bhagavad Gita
• According to Kathopanishad
• According to Veda
• According to modern medical science-
Hatha Yoga philosophy
• Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Yogi Swatmarama yogi.
• Gherand Samhita(hatha yoga) by the sage Gherand.
• Goraksha Samhita(hatha yoga) by Yogi Gorakhnath .
• Hatharatnavali (hatha yoga) by Srinivasabhatta Mahayogindra.
Eight limbs of Yoga
• Yama- social law
• Niyama- personal rules or self purification
• Asana- physical postures
• Pranayama- breathing exercise or breath control
• Pratyahara- sense control
• Dharana- concentration
• Dhyana- medtitation
• Samadhi – liberation
Importances of Seven main chakra
• Meaning, definition, purpose, and benefits
• How does chakra work
• Kundalini and chakra relations
The 7 main Chakras and Locatation
• Mooladhara (Root chakra)
• Swadhishthana(Sacral Chakra)
• Manipura (Solar plexus)
• Anahata (Heart chakra)
• Vishuddhi (Throat chakra)
• Ajna (Third eyes chakra)
• Sahasrara (crown chakra)
Yoga Anatomy & Physiology
• Bones structures
• Joints movements
• Muscular system
• Nervous system
• Cardiovascular system
• Respiratory system
Yogic balance diet and nutrition
• Food for yogi sadhana
• Nutrients and their role in the body
• Carbohydrates and fats
• Proteins
• Mineral
• Vitamins
• Sattavic Foods for better health
• Rajas and Tamas Foods to Avoid for better health
• Stress management through yoga practice
Practical Yoga Asana (postures)
• Introduction & history of asana
• Benefits of asana
• Importance of spine & alignment for asana
• Different between Asana and Exercise and its importance’s
• Classification of asana
• Group of Asana
• Principals of asana
• Importance of props and counter pose
• The formula of breathing during Yogasana practice
• Types of asana
Satkarma (Yogic detox practice)
• Definition, importance, equipment, techniques, benefits and precaution of:
o Neti: nasal cleansing and purify process
o Dhauti: stomach cleansing process
o Nauli: massaging and strengthening the abdominal organs
o Basti: washing and toning large intestine
o Kapalbhati: breathing exercise for frontal brain purifying
o Trataka: eye exercise gazing at one point
• Pranayama philosophy
• About prana
• Kumbhaka
• Nadies
• Guidelines for the Practice of Pranayama
• Benefits and contra-indication of pranayama
• Natural breath in details
• Nadi shodahana pranayama
• Bhastrika pranayama
• Sheetali pranayama
• Sheetkari pranayama
• Bhrahmari pranayama
Pancha Kosha (Vital Sheaths
a. annamaya kosha
b. pranamaya kosha
c. manomaya kosha
d. vijnanamaya kosha
e. anandamaya kosha
• Meaning, definition, purpose, and benefits
• Jalandhara Bandha (throat lock)
• Moola Bandha (root lock)
• Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal contraction)
• MahaBandha (great lock)
• Mudra introduction
• Two types of mudra
• Science of hand mudra
• The science of body mudra
Chanting, mantras
• Mantra introduction
• Importance of OM- (Aa-O-Ma)
• Gayatri Mantra
• Guru Mantra
• Asatoma Mantra:
• What is Meditation
• Rules of meditation practice
• Importance of meditation postures
• Importance of padmasana
• How to do meditate properly
• Meditation teaching techniques:
• Types of meditation
• Ajapa japa Meditation
• Nada yoga meditation
• Antar mouna meditation
• Yoga nidra meditation
The Therapeutic Yoga
• Practice of Symptoms, Causes, yogic prevention with diet plan
• Arthritis:
• Asthma:
• Backache:
• Blood pressure: (high)
• Constipation:
• Insomnia:
• Migraine:
• Depression:
• And many more……………………………..
The science of Ayurveda
Ayurveda introduction and its importance
Ayurveda classified life according to Tri-dosha
The three Gunas(Ayurveda dietary guidelines)
Ayurveda herbs and medicine
Alternative Yoga Therapy
Marma/ (acupressure) therapy
Ayurveda therapy
Music therapy(sound healing)
Natural alternative medicine
Basic naturopathy therapy and Nature cure herbal
Teaching Methodology
• Yoga teaching techinques
• Yoga teaching principals
• Some importance rules for Yogasana sequence
• Yoga Sequence step by step for all levels
• You will learn how to be a good and professional yoga teacher
• You will learn how to do lesion planning before teaching yoga
• You will learn how to read students body and their body capacity
• You will learn how to teach all level in the same groups
• You will learn Touch of hand during adjustment in the class
• You will learn how to start the yoga classes and how to end the classes
• And many more………………………………….
Marketing and business promotion for Yoga classes
• Good speaking and good dealing
• Make good and quality programmes
• Give good offers
• Mouth publicity
• Be active in social media(will teach you)
• Must have extra and unique promotion concept
• You follow yoga path, people will follow your path
• Don’t run after certificates only rather run after knowledge
• We will teach you how to improve your yoga teaching quality and how to market your self as a good yoga teacher and your yoga classes.
Daily Schedule
6:00-6:30:00am Wake up
07:00 - 09:00 Satkarma, Yoga asana and pranayama practice
09-09:30 light Breakfast
11:00 - 12:30 Yoga philosophy, mantra, meditation, yoga anatomy, yoga therapy
12:30-1:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:30 Self-Study
16:00-18:00pm Different styles of yogasana teaching techniques with practice of asana key points, sequence, fundamental, adjustment, teaching methodology for different levels, age, weights and many more.
18:30 Dinner
What's included
Sound healing therapy
24 hr, WI-Fi, hot and cold water
Air-conditioner room with attach bathroom
Airport Pickup
A yoga notebook & jalnati pot
3 delicious meals per day
Daily yoga meditation practices
Sightseeing in a beautiful place of Nepal
Hiking in the hills, (for interested people)
29 nights accommodation
All the yoga props, mat, belt, blocks, etc are available
Certificate through USA Yoga Alliance
What's not included
Personal expenses
Laundry services
Historical places, temples entrance cost during outdoor trip
Hiking guide fee
Personal dietary
Extra activities which are not given in included.
What to bring
For yoga, bring comfortable clothing. Both loose and tight pants such as leggings are suitable as long as you feel comfortable. All yoga props including yoga mats are available in the studio but if you prefer to practice on your own mat, you can bring it. You don’t need special shoes; classes are solely barefoot. Other than enough change of clothes for the yoga practice, bring the following: yoga towel, water bottle, hair bands, clothes according to the climate (please check Kathmandu climate in the listing google), if you have any medical problem, bring your medicine. If you are following a special medical diet, please don’t forget to bring your supplements.
Medical information
For those who have an injury, hernia, have had an operation, a miscarriage or have any special condition, you can only do yoga depending on the type of injury or condition. Please consult with your doctor if this program is suitable for you. But your body knows best, please respect it. Don’t force yourself, do not strain. Give your body the time to fully recuperate. Sometimes yoga is being misinterpreted as being a very soft form of movement, fully focused on relaxation. This counts for some yoga forms but not for all! If in doubt, always ask your yoga teacher before the start if it is suitable for you and discuss your options if you have any issues. Always inform your teacher about any injury!