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Ayurveda Certification Course in Nepal

Ayurveda translates as the Science of Life and is the most ancient medical scientific system we know! Learn how to live in tune with your specific body needs, with nature and heal the very root of every illness and imbalance. Our Ayurveda Course in Nepal is Certified by Mandala Yoga Retreat Resort.

Basic Ayurveda course in Nepal   

Duration: 4 weeks  200 hours course

Course cost with accommodation

         Sharing room       : USD 2000

         Private room        : USD 2500


Availability Dates: 

Starting date: 1stth of the every month

Ending date: 30th of the every month



This course is primarily meant for scholars / professionals having medical background or graduation in biosciences or in fields allied to medicine or Yoga practioners or Practioners of Natural Medicine.


A.    An overview of Nepal and Ayurveda.

B.    Basic principles of Ayurveda Medicine:

  1. Introduction to Ayurveda and its History, Present status of Ayurveda Practice.

  2. Introduction to Available Samhita in Ayurveda along with their importance and utility in present era.

  3. Importance of ethics and principles of ideal living in present era in relation to life style disorders. 

  4. Ayu and its components. 

  5. Importance and utility of tri-skandha and their need.

  6. Concept of Astang Ayurreda. 

  7. Applied aspect of Dosha, Dhatu-updhatu, Mala, Agni, Panchamahabhuta, Triguna, Tryopstambha, Ama, Vega.

  8. Importance of knowledge of Sharira & Manas Prakriti. 

  9. Scope and importance of Pariksha. 

  10. Concept of Sharira (Anatomy in Ayurveda). 

  11. Concept of Marma. 


C.    The fundamentals of Materia Medica & Pharmaceutics:

  1. Definition of Dravya & applied aspect of Rasa, Guna, Virya, Vipaka and Prabhava. 

  2. Applied knowledge of Bhaishajya Prayoga.

  3. Concept of Panchavidha Kashaya and other Kalpana . 


D.    The fundamentals of Diagnosis and pathogenesis: 

  1. Introduction to Panchanidana.

  2. Concept of Vikara & its types.

  3. Clinical applications of Shatkriyakala in diagnosis.

  4. Understanding of Samprapti of diseases.

  5. Clinical examination of Roga and Rogi Bala. 


E.     Fundamentals of Treatment: 

  1. Detailed history taking and systematic examination based on Ayurvedic concept. 

  2. Principles of Kayachikitsa in disease management.

  3. Introduction of the basic principles of Modern medicine, Homeopathy, Unani, Siddha, Tibetian  Medicine, Yoga & Naturopathy and their relevance in light of the basic principles of Ayurvedic medicine. 


F.     Introduction to Panchakarma with its importance in disease & healthy condition 

  1. Introduction to Purvakarma along with mode of Action. 

  2. Introduction to Paschat karma along with mode of Action. 

  3. Introduction to Pradhana karma along with mode of Action.

§  Vaman 

§  Virechan. 

§  Nasya. 

§  Basti                                                                 

§  Raktamokshana.                              


G. Introduction to Rasayan chikitsa (Rejuvenation Therapy ) and Vajikaran chikita (Aphrodisiacs Therapy).

H. Introduction to Mano vigyan & Manasa Roga (psychiatry). 

I. Introduction to Prasuti Tantra & stri Roga. 

J. Strength of Ayurveda specific to child health care.

K. Introduction to Shalya Tantra (General Surgery).

            Fundamentals of Ksharsutra, Agnikarma, Jalawkavacharan

L.    Introduction of Shalakya Tantra (Opthalmo & EN T) 

  1. Etiology of Netra Roga & Swastha vritta related to Netra. 

  2. Concept of Kriya Kalpa. 

  • Seka.

  • Aschyotana. 

  • Vidalaka.

  • Tarpana. 

  • Putapaka. 

  • Anjana. 

(c) Importance of Pancha karma in Shalakya Chikitsa. 



  1. Introduction to Ayurveda and its History, Concept of Astang Ayurreda. 

  2. Ayu and its components,  Sharira & Manas Prakriti.

  3. Panchamahabhuta, Triguna, Dosha, Dhatu-updhatu, Mala, Agni, Tryopstambha, Ama, Vega, Importance and utility of tri-skandha.

  4. Concept of Marma & Anatomy in Ayurveda. 

  5. Introduction of the basic principles of Modern medicine, Homeopathy, Unani, Siddha, Tibetian  Medicine, Yoga & Naturopathy and their relevance in light of the basic principles of Ayurvedic medicine.

  6. Introduction to Panchakarma with its importance in disease & healthy condition 

  7. Introduction to Rasayan chikitsa (Rejuvenation Therapy) and Vajikaran chikita (Aphrodisiacs Therapy).

Basic Panchkarma course in Nepal


3 weeks 150 hour course


THEORY:  100 HRS                PRACTIAL: 50 HRS

Course cost with accommodation

         Sharing room          : USD 1500

         Private room           : USD 1800


Availability Dates: 

Starting date: 1th of the every month

Ending date: 21th of the every month


  1. Introduction to Ayurveda and its History, Concept of Astang Ayurveda. 

  2. Panchamahabhuta, Triguna, Dosha, Dhatu-updhatu, Mala, Agni, Tryopstambha, Ama, Vega.

  3. Introduction to Panchakarma with its importance in disease & healthy condition, Ashtanga Ayurveda evum Pancha Karma,

  4. PanchaKarma Kala Vichar, Yogya and Ayogya of Pancha Karma, special qualities of Paricharaka, 

  5. Concept of Marma & Anatomy in Ayurveda. 

  6. General knowledge of  Various Aushad Dravyas used in Panchkarma, common Pathya and Apathya of Pancha Karma.

  7. knowledge about the materials, equipments and instruments used Panchkarma therapy.

  8. Snehana Karma: Sneha and the properties, sources of Snehana Dravyas, Snehopaga durgs; The indications, contraindications, Procedures, types and schedule of Snehana; Internal Snehana: Accha Snenapana and Vicharana types, the preparations used and dosage schedule.

  9. Abhyanga (Massage): Its types, methods, indications, contraindication and duration. Physiological and anatomical implications of massage therapy. Medium of Abhyanga-Snigdha Ruksha. General knowledge of oil useful in Abhyanga. Direction and degree of pressure of massage.

  10. Parisheka, Udavartana, Udgharshana, mardana and Samvahana-their definition, specific uses and indications. Avagaha, Kavalagraha And Gandusa, Lepa (medicinal plaster), its types-Pralepa, Pradeha and Aalepana; Upanaha (Poultice) methods, Pichu uses.

  11. Dharakarma, Kayaseka (Pizchil) and types, Anna Lepa and Sirolepa, their specific indications types and detailed procedures. 

  12. Sirahseka (Sirodhara) method, indications, materials used, Dharakalpa Takradhara, Kashaya Dhara, Jala Dhara, Taila and Ghrita Dhara, Sirobasti- Procedure, duration and indications.

  13. Swedana, The properties and sources of Swedana Dravyas, Swedopaga drugs; The indications contraindications procedures, types and schedule of swedana; Features of adequate, inadequate and excessive Swedana, Pinda Sweda- Details of materials used, their preparation, procedure. Variants of Pinda Sweda.

  14. Sagni Sweda: Sankara, Prastra, Nadi, Pariseka, Kuti etc. Tapa Sweda Vs. Usma sweda consideration, 

  15. Kati Basti, Janu Basti, Manya Basti and Urah Basti.
    Niragni Sweda: With special reference to Vyayama (exercises) and Atapa Sevena (Exposure to sun rays), their types, general knowledge of indications and contraindications.

  16. Vamana Karma: Its Significance; Vamaka Dravyas (emetics), Vamanopaga Dravya, General  indications and Contraindications, procedure of Vamana Karma, preparation of the patient, Dhumapana after Vamana, general knowledge of  Samyak Vamana and vyapad , regimen following Vamana, Samasarjana Karma.

  17. Virecana Karma: Virecana drugs and Yogas, their types, General Indications & Contraindications of Virechana, general knowledge of  Samyak Virechana and vyapad; Samasarjana Karma.

  18. Basti Karma: Its significance as a unique therapeutic procedure; Indications, contraindications, procedure of Asthapana and Anuvasana Basti, factors to be examined in relation to Basti Karma. Basti Pratyagamana Kala, general knowledge of  Samyak Basti and Basti vyapad, Post-Basti regimen.

  19. Sirovirechana or Nasya Karma: Its significance In prevention and treatment of Urdhwa Jatrugata Vikaras; classification of Nasya; Navana, Avapidaka, Dhumpana (Pradhamana) and Dhupana, Marsha and Pratimarsha Nasya, Sirovirecana and Nasya drugs, Indications contraindications, Procedure and precautions of Nasya Karma, Post Nasya regimen,  general knowledge of  Samyak Nasya and vyapad.

  20. Rakta Mokshana: Its classification, indications, Contraindications and procedure; indications according to Dosha involvement state of Dosha, Rakta and patient, Jalaukavacarana Prachhana, Sringa, Alabu, Ghatiyantra, Siravedha- its indications contra- indications, Measures to Stop blood flow. 



  1. Practical study of location of Marma and surface anatomy,

  2. Introduction to instruments-Stethoscope, B.P. Apparatus, Thermometer, Blood Pressure, Pulse examination, Respiratory rate examination, 

  3. Various Kalpana and methods of preparation, preparation of Peyadi.

  4. Knowledge of procedure record keeping, Assessment and recording of Input and output. 

  5. Practical Knowledge and experiences of Purvakarmas techniques, Practical demonstration of different Purvakarma Procedures, Handling patients undergoing Purva Karma.

  6. Introduction and knowledge of aushad used in panchkarma.

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